Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar and insulin insufficient. It occurs as a result of impaired insulin secretion that regulates glucose uptake from the liver, adipose tissue, peripheral tissues and muscles. Changes in lipids are observed in individuals with metabolic syndrome. For years before clinical symptoms of type 2 diabetes appeared, it was previously called non-insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus or adult-onset diabetes. Several causes contributing to the development of type 2 diabetes have been included, including decreased glucose uptake, increased lipolysis, decreased insulin secretion of beta cells in the pancreas due to the increased secretion of glucagon from alpha cells in the pancreas and increased production of glucose in the liver. The study conducted to measure the level of Fructosamine in patient of T2DM (good control group and bad control gruop) and compare it in healthy individuals. Fructosamine is a compound consisting of a sugar molecule and a protein molecule that is produced in situations of long-term high blood sugar levels. Fructosamine is an indicator of average blood sugar levels over a shorter period of time (2-3 weeks). Fructosamine levels generally mirror albumin glycation due to the fact that albumin is the predominant protein found in the blood. The measurement is swift, cost-effective, accurate, and uncomplicated.
The study aimed to evaluation of Fructosamine in diabetic patients and find the relationship between Fructosamine and the other parameters in patients with T2DM. The enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA) technique was used to evaluate the levels of Fructosamine level in the blood serum. FSG, HbAlc ,FSI, TG, TC, HDL, Urea, Creatinine , and Albumin blood tests were also performed in the blood serum using ready-made laboratory analysis (kit). Blood samples were taken from (120) Iraqi participants of both sexes from the laboratories of Baquba Teaching Hospital, ranging in age from 34 to 77. Between December 2023 to February 2024, (80) samples were collected for 80 patients with type 2 diabetes, and the group of patients was divided into two groups:- Group1= T2DM patients group(not control patients) , Group2=T2DM controls group (control patients) and compared to the healthy group Group3= Controls group (healthy subjects)(40) . The results of the current study were summarized to:
1. Parameters like Age and Body mass index(BMI) showed significant difference (p<0.05) for comparison two patient groups with healthy control group, while the comparison of ages and BMI between (group1) with (group2) did not showed significant difference (p>0.05).
2.Parameters like Fasting serum glucose(FSG), Glycated hemoglobin HbAlc insulin and insulin resistance IR showed significant increases (p<0.001) in patients groups (group1 and gruop2) in comparison to group3 while the levels of FSI did not showed significant difference (p>0.05) for comparative group1 and gruop2. Also comparative HOMA-IR between group l with group2 showed presence high significant difference (p=0.002).
3. Comparison result of Lipid profile:- The results of comparison (TC) not revealed a significant difference between group l and group2 (p>0.05) while the differences between group l and group2 with group3 were highly significant (p<0.001).for comparison (TG) The result not showed a significant difference between groupl and group2 (p>0.05) while the differences between group l and group2 with group3 were highly significant (p<0.001). for comparison( HDL-c) the result not showed any significant differences to comparison between any three groups (p>0.05). for( LDL-c and VLDL-c) the comparative between group l and group2 with group3 revealed presence significant differences(p<0.05). while the comparative between group l with group2 not revealed significant differences(p>0.05) .
4. Parameters like AIP the results of comparison between group 1 and 2 not showed presence significant difference (p>0.05). while the results of comparative group1 with group3 showed presence high significant difference (p<0.000), also the comparing between group2 with group3 revealed found high significant difference (p<0.001).
5. comparison between levels of urea revealed no found a significant difference between three group (p>0.05), comparison between levels of creatinine revealed found a significant difference between group2 and gruop3(p<0.001) while comparison between group1 and gruop2 revealed no found a significant difference(p>0.05).The comparison of albumin levels not showed any significant difference (p>0.05) between study group.
6. The comparison of fructose amine levels between group1 and 2 not showed significant difference (p>0.05). While the comparison of two groups of patients (group1 and group2) with healthy control group (group3) revealed highly significant difference (p<0.000).
7. Correlation results showed presence significant positive correlation between Fructosamine with HBA1c% (r=0.562, p<0.05) and FSG(r=0.526, p<0.05) in diabetic group, while the current study did not showed any significant changes between Fructosamine and the rest of the variables. The results also revealed a higher Sensitivity% and Specificity% and AUC were for Fructosamine (Sensitivity% = 88.75, Specificity% = 87.50 with AUC= 0.9717). Our results showed a highly Specificity% and sensitivity% for HOMA-IR (93% and 95 % with AUC= 0.9797), Also Age have a highly sensitivity and specificity ( 90% and 92 % with AUC= 0.9473).