م.م مثنى كريم محيسن التدريسي في كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية / قسم اللغة الانكليزية جامعتنا يهدي الامانة العامة للمكتبة المركزية نسخة من رسالته الموسومة ( “ Man Woman Relationship In Tennessee Williams ، Sweet Bird of Youth”)
Thomas Lanier Williams III alias Tennessee Williams, is a much-investigated zone and his character has been under the cruel, investigating light, on numerous occasions. In request to study the connection of man’s torments and incident with the huge world when all is said in done, an outing ought to be made into Williams’ Southern culture that breeds anomaly in the exterior of a radiant American Dream. The postulation of Tennessee Williams that the vast majority discover reality and importance in life through acceptable sexual modification, one needs to recognize that his significant female characters take on a constant conflict to discover a mate or to keep the mate they have just found.